ahahaha. i bet you're a feminist aren't you? i've got news. this has nothing to with if you have a dong or a vag; or even both for that matter. this is more like the difference between an positive and negative charge. less "feminine" more effeminate.
you subjectively judge the whole negatively the by a singular misunderstanding. then go off on a very telling rant. "blah blah blah, i don't like that you labeled women." its not about man or woman but human. dude even says that before going into anything. i'd suggest a reassessment once your high horse gets tired of hauling you around. maybe by then you'll have learned to not only see things from your singular perspective all the time; as to see the world from another eyes. you mught be surprised at where you've been wrong, and for how long. that's not a bad thing though. it just means there is more yet to learn. this should be exciting.
i (grudgingly) give you a post score of 3 for all of the angsty writing you did.
*eye roll*
(maybe stick to drawing; you're much much better at that and the world really needs more artists. for srs.)
i can't help it. i'm just a mirror trying to shape the source of its reflection.